South Orangetown Central School District

Transportation Department Responsibilities

Transportation for the South Orangetown Central School District is overseen by the Transportation Coordinator and Principal Clerk. Department responsibilities include:

  • Implement and carry out policies of the Board of Education consistent with legal requirements and Education Law
  • Inspect the credentials of all bus drivers in relation to driver’s license, physical examinations, and moral character before certifying the driver to the Superintendent of Schools for approval
  • Maintain records of the department such as inventories, cost analysis, time keeping, payroll, other correspondence, etc. and submit records as required
  • Establish all bus schedules and assignments; participate in special transportation studies and safety programs. Review all accident reports.
  • Develop bus lists of children eligible for district transportation
  • Coordinate with the school administration transportation for special events, including field trips, interscholastic athletics, etc.
  • Prepare the district’s transportation budget
  • Communicate transportation procedures and regulations to the public
  • Work with school administration and other personnel to provide a coordinated transportation program


623 Western Highway
Blauvelt, NY 10913
Hours: 7:30am-4:30pm
(845) 680-1662/3
General Transportation Email

Michelle Stevens
Transportation Coordinator
(845) 680-1663

Amanda Eichner
Principal Clerk
(845) 680-1662