South Orangetown Central School District

Second graders at William O. Schaefer Elementary School are learning how to code with WOS Technology teacher Randi Nerkizian! As part of celebrating Computer Science Education Week, students have been exploring coding games/apps using Hour of Code tutorials.

 To start the lesson, Nerkizian explained what coding is and how it instructs devices such as computers to complete specific tasks. “I know coding may seem intimidating but we can do hard things! I want everyone to have fun exploring and know that you can make mistakes. We learn by making our brains do the hard work and by challenging ourselves,” Nerkizian explained.

Students practiced coding using a variety of games on the Hour of Code website including the class favorite: Dance Party! To play this game, students had to use blocks of code to choose a character and make them respond to their song of choice. Second graders will continue to work on coding and will begin working with the coding language, Scratch.

Hour of Code at WOS