South Orangetown Central School District

Sixteen students were inducted into the Tappan Zee High School chapter of Mu Alpha Theta, the distinguished national mathematics honor society, on June 2.

 Mu Alpha Theta President Brianna Santilli and Vice-President Farrah Levesque kicked off the event before introducing the guest speaker, TZHS Class of 2021 graduate, Gabi Picott. A Statistics and Data Science major at Yale, she congratulated current and new members and offered them words of advice and encouragement. “Because I was once in your seats, I want to give you a few pieces of parting advice: Keep your math skills sharp, be intellectually curious and never limit yourself, go to office hours, and if math is something you love, spread the love,” said Gabi. 

Following Gabi’s speech, students were led through the official induction led by Mu Alpha Theta secretaries Kara Dixon and Victoria Pernick. To be eligible for induction, students must have at least a two-year average of 95 or a three-year average of 90 or greater in their math coursework, perform 14 hours of tutoring/community service and complete an independent math project.

 After the newest members were inducted, the incoming slate of officers was announced: President Matthew Tobin, Vice-President Matilyn Dixon, Secretaries Liyana Astafa and Vivian Cho, and Treasurer Caterina O’Keefe. 

 Congratulations to all of the TZHS Mu Alpha Theta inductees and new officers!

Mu Alpha Theta Induction