South Orangetown Central School District

Over the last two weeks, South Orangetown Middle School and Cottage Lane Elementary School students have put their engineering skills to the test during the 5th Annual Cardboard Boat Race! Students worked in teams to create a functional boat made out of cardboard and duct tape to see what design would successfully make it across the SOMS pool.

 Earlier this year, students began planning what their boats would look like by drawing sketches of their boats and creating miniature prototypes. Students worked together in their groups to strategize ways to ensure their boat would float and stay intact. They explored different types of hulls to make their boats agile in the water and built paddles to help get their boats across the water. 

 “This is a fun project that challenges students to think critically about the engineering design process and to build trust with their peers,” explained SOMS Enrichment and Technology Teacher Andrew McIntosh. “This project also helps students develop the 4 C’s: critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication.”

 Students gathered in the stands surrounding the SOMS pool to cheer each other on as their classmates raced the width of the pool. “It was great to see the smiles on the faces of all the students during this fun event. There is nothing better than when learning is combined with joy and fun,” said McIntosh. 

Cardboard Boat Race