Eighth graders in Design and Drawing for Production are learning the fundamentals of graphic design! This week, students in SOMS Technology teacher Lou Chugranis’s class have been learning how to create their own unique designs that can be turned into an animated image using photo editing software.
Students first started making shapes using various colors with different opacity levels and patterns as well as importing online images of some of their favorite cartoon characters. Chugranis instructed students to add each image or shape as a new “layer” within their design file. By having multiple layers in the graphic, it can be turned into an animation with those images and shapes moving around within the design.
Design and Drawing for Production is an accelerated technology course offered at SOMS to students who demonstrate strong performance in sixth and seventh grade technology and math courses. Seventh graders are eligible to apply for enrollment in this course after completing an entrance exam. Design and Drawing for Production is an engineering preparatory program for students that may want to pursue the Project Lead the Way engineering curriculum at TZHS.