This week, South Orangetown Middle School Counselor Trish Iannucci has been visiting eighth graders during their science classes to begin the course advisement process as they prepare for high school.
Iannucci began speaking with eighth grade classes this September to help students better understand what their goals are this school year and what they want their high school career to look like. “When you’re choosing the classes you would like to take as ninth graders, I want you to think about what your passions and strengths are and try to put your focus, time and energy into those areas,” Iannucci said.
To begin the presentation, Iannucci explained what the New York State High School Graduation requirements are and how many credits students will need to complete in each subject area. Students learned about the electives that are available to them as ninth graders and what classes they may be taking this year at SOMS that can transfer as a high school credit such as Earth Science and Design & Drawing in Production. Iannucci displayed the 2023-2024 TZHS Curriculum Guide as well as the TZHS Pathways so students can learn more about subject areas they may want to focus on.
In January, TZHS ninth graders will visit SOMS to talk to eighth graders about their classes and experiences as high school students followed by the Grade 8 Into 9 Orientation on January 25 at TZHS. Families will receive information about course selection via email and will be posted in the eighth grade Counseling Google Classroom. In February, students will begin to make course selections including which honors and regents classes, electives and advanced placement (AP) classes they plan to take in the fall.