Tappan Zee High School freshman Nina V. won third place in the Sports Career Consulting Super Bowl LVII Promotion Competition!
Students in TZHS Business teachers Darrell Flynn and Andrew Bimonte’s Entertainment and Sports Marketing classes, along with hundreds of students nationwide, were tasked with developing a point-of-purchase (POP) promotional display representing a consumer goods brand tied to the Super Bowl LVII. “This was a project where students were learning the importance of point of purchase displays in stores during the time surrounding the Super Bowl. Our classes reviewed some of the different advertisements we have seen related to the Super Bowl and discussed how they were able to grab the attention of customers,” said Bimonte. Students could create a sketch or digital version of their display idea and had to include a written description of their idea along with strategies they would use to encourage consumers to buy the product.
Nina drew a sketch of her display idea, which features a large clear football-shaped container with individual bags of chips and the surrounding display would feature boxes of Lay’s variety packs in the shape of a field goal to grab the customers attention in the grocery store. “I would have the display in the chips and dip aisle since that’s where most customers will be when they are shopping for their Super Bowl parties. I also came up with the idea to have a sweepstakes promotion where customers have the chance to win tickets to the Super Bowl if they find a football-shaped chip in their bag and submit a photo of it to the Lay’s website or social media pages,” Nina explained. “Throughout the school year, we have been learning a lot about how to reach your target market and promotional ideas in general. We do a lot of research in the class, which really helps us understand how companies successfully promote their products. I went to a Z100 Jingle Ball pre-show in December and it was cool to see first-hand how different companies advertise their products. I’m interested in Business and I’m planning on taking another course next year.”
“Nina has been a wonderful student this year and she should be proud of this accomplishment,” Bimonte noted. “She is a dedicated student that works very hard and deserves this recognition!” Learn more about her project on the Sports Career Consulting Blog here: www.sportscareerconsulting.com/blog/.