South Orangetown Central School District

Tappan Zee High School computer science students Molly Culot and Catie O’Keefe were awarded the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) 2023 Award for Aspirations in Computing! The NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing (AiC) honors students in grades 9-12 for their computing-related achievements and interests.

Junior Molly Culot is a Project Manager for the SO BOTZ, President of the Computer Science Club and Treasurer of the Computer Science Honor Society. Molly intends to major in Computer Science in college and she was also awarded the NCWIT 2022 Award for Aspirations in Computing.

Senior Catie O’Keefe is the Co-Captain of the TZHS Math Team, President of the Engineering Club, Treasurer of the Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society and Vice President of the Computer Science Honor Society. Catie intends to major in engineering and computer science and earned an NCWIT Regional Honorable Mention in 2022.

Over 3,400 applications were submitted for the 2023 NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing. Recipients are selected based on interest and achievements in computing and technology, leadership, academic performance, and plans for post-secondary education.

“Congratulations to Catie and Molly for their leadership in exploring innovative computing experiences. It is amazing to see their work and progress in this field. They both should be very proud of their accomplishments,” said TZHS Computer Science teacher and Math Instructional Coach Karen Connell.

NCWIT Winners Catie O'Keefe and Molly Culot