Rockland County Board of Elections representatives Rifke Kramer and Terri Halpin met with Tappan Zee High School 12th grade social studies classes on Friday to encourage eligible students to register to vote.
TZHS Social Studies teacher Christine Drivas has organized the Voter Registration Drive each year to provide students with the opportunity to register to vote and ask any questions they may have about the registration process or voting in general. “I host this event every year because I believe education extends beyond the classroom. Civics is part of our k-12 social studies curriculum and having representatives from the Rockland County Board of Elections talk with our students and help them register to vote is a valuable learning activity and a start to the process of actively participating in government. Voting is one of the most important rights and responsibilities that US citizens have,” said Drivas.
Kramer and Halpin walked students through the voter registration process and provided information about primary elections versus general elections, what selecting a party affiliation means and which upcoming elections are taking place.