The Tappan Zee High School Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society hosted the annual Mu Fest on Friday! The student-led celebration, which first began over 25 years ago, features math-inspired games created by Mu Alpha Theta members. Mu Fest 2023 events included Mu Darts, Math Roulette, Algebra Anarchy, Mu Pong, Mu Hockey and the infamous Pi throw.
All high school math classes participate in Mu Fest and donations raised throughout the event support Math Department scholarships for seniors. “It’s a great way for the kids to practice their math skills, all while having fun. It’s an event that our students are eager to participate in each year, particularly our seniors,” said TZHS Math teacher Seth Resnikoff, who also serves as advisor of the Math Team and co-advises Mu Alpha Theta with fellow Math teacher David Marino. “All of the games are written by our Mu Alpha Theta members and the games are modified each year.”
Mu Alpha Theta is a national math honor society that aims to enrich students’ knowledge and enjoyment of mathematics. To be inducted into the TZHS chapter, students must earn a 90 average for three years of high school math (or 95 for two years) as well as complete peer tutoring, service to the school and project work.