South Orangetown Central School District

South Orangetown Middle celebrated the advancement of its 240 eighth-grade students at its 2023 Moving Up Ceremony this morning. The SOMS Band performed “Pomp and Circumstance” “and “The Star Spangled Banner ” under the direction of SOMS Band teacher Robert Bennett.

Class President Ellery C. welcomed her peers, staff and families to the annual ceremony before recalling memories she shared with her classmates throughout their three years at SOMS. “Change is difficult, but when you have the support of friends, family and teachers” it can make all the difference, she said.

Principal Chad Corey, Ed.D. noted that eighth graders’ “individual talents shined both in the classroom” and beyond:
91% earned a high school credit in a World Language
54% took Regents Earth Science
49% earned a high school credit in either Studio in Art or Design, Drawing and Production
30% took Algebra Honors
30% of the class was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society
Many students developed their interests and leadership skills through music, theater, athletics and extracurriculars

“Our hope is that when you move up from middle school, you continue to develop the skills to advocate for yourself and find things that you are interested in and passionate about,” Corey advised. “Each of you has the talent, ability and skills necessary to make a positive impact in the world.”

Following the presentation of more than a dozen special awards, Corey formally presented the incoming Tappan Zee High School freshmen to Principal Rudy Arietta, who welcomed the incoming TZHS Class of 2027.

Congratulations to our rising ninth-graders as they prepare for their high school journey!

*In case you missed it, here is the livestream:

SOMS Grade 8 Moving Up Ceremony