This summer, the South Orangetown Central School District is moving to a new mass messaging system, ParentSquare, for its District and building-level communications. This unified communications platform is designed to keep our families informed and encourage greater engagement and connection. It also allows users to set their communication preferences.
All district and school communications will be sent to your computer or phone via email, text or robocall. The ParentSquare app is also available for free for iOS and Android devices.
Here are the next steps:
1. SOCSD will send an invitation to activate your ParentSquare account via email the week of July 17, 2023
2. The activation invitation email will come from “South Orangetown CSD via ParentSquare <>” and look like this:
3. Click on the link to activate your account and set up your preferences
NOTE: Individuals who are listed as “emergency contacts” in student records are automatically uploaded to the system and will not have personal accounts. In the event of an emergency, these contacts will automatically receive communications via email, robocal and/or text.
For step-by-step instructions on setting up your account, view the Getting Started Guide for parents: English | Spanish.
Keep an eye out for the ParentSquare invitation in your inbox the week of July 17!