South Orangetown Central School District

“This is a really good way for people to see what’s happening after school and to find others who share their interests and are like ‘hey, come join us!’” said Remy, who was among the many Tappan Zee High School students in recruitment mode at the third annual Club Fair on Friday.

At a neighboring table, Caleb explained, “Some kids don’t always listen to the announcements. And the Club Fair gives them a chance to talk to someone about membership requirements and what you do during meetings.”

From Aquaponics to Youth & Government, the high school offers a vast selection of interest-driven clubs for students, whether they are looking to explore the arts, world cultures or a particular academic field, participate in community service or just have fun connecting socially with peers.

Students report that the fair is effective in raising awareness of opportunities and encouraging them to get involved.

“I joined the Leo Club, Chess Club and Youth and Government Club as a result of Club Fair,” noted Ria, who was representing another organization on Friday. “People were really nice, I liked the energy. So many people coming together with shared interests to do what they love.”

TZHS Club Fair