South Orangetown Central School District

NHS members speak with ninth graders during workshop

The students of the Tappan Zee High School National Honor Society committed to fostering a stronger relationship with the class of 2027 by visiting South Orangetown Middle School last spring to discuss course selection at TZHS and ways to get involved both inside and outside of school.

NHS students selected topics they felt were most relevant for eighth graders as they transition to high school. TZHS Science teacher and NHS advisor Nicole Lai said, “Over the summer, these students developed materials and presentations to share with incoming freshmen to develop the executive functioning skills needed to confront the early challenges of high school successfully.”

Last week, senior members of the NHS held an informal workshop for the ninth graders on topics including study skills and time management. They shared course specific suggestions on study resources and approaches to prepare for assignments and exams. They also provided tips on how to prioritize their time to successfully meet all of their obligations and how to use various planning tools to stay organized. Future workshop topics include outside volunteer opportunities, school clubs, honor society admissions, course advisement and elective course discussions, stress management, social support and how to prepare and study for final exams. TZHS Science teacher and NHS Advisor Nicole Farish said, “We look forward to speaking with the freshmen again to help them navigate their first year of high school!”