The Z-Mart is a bustling, student-run business right inside of Tappan Zee High School. Students enrolled in TZHS Business Team Leader Darrell Flynn’s business classes as well as students in the Rockland BOCES COVE program at TZHS each play a role in successfully running the store as well as the Z-Box vending machines.
“The COVE program is essential in running the school store and vending machines. They staff our store periods 5 and 6 and stock the two vending machines periods 1 and 8. My students help set up the store so the COVE students can effectively sell our products. Both groups of students help us grow our business each year,” explained Flynn. “My students benefit by taking classroom concepts and applying them to a real-world business. The COVE students learn real-life skills to benefit them after they leave TZHS. It is a wonderful collaboration that I hope will continue well after I am gone.”
Flynn’s students work in several departments and rotate between each one so they can experience each aspect of running the business. Students have the chance to act as a manager, oversee inventory, bake the best-selling cookies, complete financial analysis, develop marketing/social media posts, store design/layout and cleaning, manage the Z-Box and Z-Bev machines, work on the Z-Mart website and design the display case outside of the store.
The COVE students run the store during lunch periods and work as the cashier, take food and drink orders and greet each customer with a smile. COVE student Izzy said, “I like to package the cookies and I like to greet everybody!” COVE teacher Laurie Slackman added, “They all volunteer and are eager to work here! They’re using the skills learned in the classroom and are able to use them in a real workplace setting.”