South Orangetown Central School District

Second grader creates mandala print

To celebrate Youth Art Month, William O. Schaefer Elementary School Art teacher Liz Piteo organized an art exhibit at the Tappan Free Library featuring artwork created by second graders!

To prepare for the art exhibit, second graders have been busy creating hand-drawn mandalas with gel pens and mandala monoprints using gel press plates, which were purchased through a SOCES PTA Teacher grant. Students learned about the history of Mandalas and how the art style stems from Asian cultures. “Today, mandalas are created all over the world for fun and creative enjoyment! Mandalas generally have one center point from which other shapes and designs develop all around, having radial symmetry. The experience of creating or coloring a mandala is said to be therapeutic and relaxing. Practicing mandala art helps improve patience, drawing skills, and sense of balance and focus,” explained Piteo.

Hand-drawn mandalas from Mrs. Benaquista and Mrs. Cosgroves’ class (half), Mr. Lozada and Ms. Casserma’s class, Mrs. Bartel and Ms. Cordone’s class, Mrs. Sommers’ class, Ms. Cassetti’s class and Ms. Cuccia’s class will be displayed at the Tappan library until March 14. Beginning March 15, mandala monoprints from Mrs. Benaquista and Mrs. Cosgroves’ class (half), Ms. Nandlal’s class, Mr. Speno’s class, Ms. Byrne’s class, Mrs. Luke’s class and Ms. Vero’s class will be displayed.