Message from Board President Steven Finn
Spring has arrived in South Orangetown and it is wonderful to see our students participating in outdoor lessons, recess and sports events while enjoying the beautiful weather.
Speaking of students, the Board of Education was impressed with the outstanding April 11 presentation by SO BOTZ, Tappan Zee High School’s robotics team, before they headed off to compete at the FIRST World Championship in Houston. I am thankful to the past Board members and team members who have helped to build SO BOTZ since its inception in 2017. Having seen this team compete at the Hudson Valley Regional in March, the teamwork is really amazing–it’s about so much more than the robot. This team is a great example for younger students growing up in our District.
At our last meeting, the Board of Education voted to adopt the 2024-25 budget. A public hearing for the budget will be held on Tuesday, May 14 at 7:30PM in the SOMS Library and the public budget vote will be held on Tuesday, May 21, 7:00AM-9:00PM.
Also on the ballot is the election for one open Board seat. Thank you to the South Orangetown PTAs and the Tappan Zee High School Youth & Government Club for once again hosting the Meet the Board Candidates Forum on Thursday, May 16 at 7:00PM in the SOMS Auditorium. This is a great opportunity for community members to learn about candidates’ priorities and positions.
Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, May 21 and be sure to vote.
Board Work in Progress
Annual Budget Vote and Board of Education Election: Polls will be open from 7AM-9PM on Tuesday, May 21 for the Annual Budget Vote and Board of Education Election. Information is posted on the District website: Budget | Voting. Please vote.
Policy: At its April 11 meeting, the Board held second readings of and adopted revised policies 4321.5 (Confidentiality and Access to Individualized Education Programs, Individual Education Services Programs), 5710 (School Safety & Educational – SSEC Reporting) and 8131 (Pandemic Planning).
To view all policies currently under review by the Board of Education, visit the Policies Under Review webpage.
Capital Improvements: The District’s construction manager provided a report on upcoming capital work scheduled for the summer. In addition to the Phase 1, Year 1 construction at William O. Schaefer Elementary School and Cottage Lane Elementary School, the South Orangetown Middle School Nurse’s Office will be renovated with minor capital project funds allocated with voter approval in the 2023-24 budget. Technology infrastructure upgrades funded through the Smart Schools Investment Plan are in progress; the SOMS data center was completed last month. View the presentation slides.
Upcoming Meetings/Workshops
Board of Education Regular Meeting/Public Budget Hearing
May 14 at 7:30PM
South Orangetown Middle School Library
Board of Education Regular Meeting/Annual Budget Vote & Board Election
May 21 at 7:30PM
South Orangetown Middle School Library
Meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change. Be sure to check the District’s e-Backpack webpage for the most up-to-date information. Board meeting agendas, minutes and audio are posted online at BoardDocs. Board policies are posted at BoardPolicyOnline.
Questions? Send an email to the Board of Education at
The Board Brief is a monthly communication from the South Orangetown Central School District Board of Education.