South Orangetown Central School District


South Orangetown utilizes an inclusive committee model to advance student achievement and wellness through collaboration and strategic planning. Through committee participation, parents and community members have the opportunity to work with administrators, teachers and, in some cases, students, to identify and discuss issues and make recommendations for improvement.

Meeting dates are posted on the District Google Calendar.

Audit Committee/Finance Advisory Council

Chairperson: Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Natalie Espinal

The Finance Advisory Council reviews and discusses topics related to school finances, and offers multiple perspectives on how the district financially supports its educational program. The council is comprised of Board and community members who possess financial, auditing and accounting experience; openings are posted publicly when vacancies arise. As a subcommittee of the Finance Advisory Council, the Audit Committee oversees and reports to the Board of Education on the annual audit of district records. The committee’s role is advisory and any recommendations it provides shall not substitute for any required review and acceptance by the Board of Education.

Curriculum Council

Chairperson:  Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Rudy Arietta

The Curriculum Council, a standing advisory committee to the Superintendent, is focused on the ongoing improvement of the district’s educational program. Through its review of proposed program changes and proposed committee charges, the Council seeks to provide students with rigorous educational programs; support the district’s mission, goals and priorities; and, meet and exceed New York State standards. Chaired by the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction, the council is comprised of up to two Board of Education members, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services, Director of Technology, Director of Data, Assessment and Accountability and administrator, teacher and parent representatives from each school.

District-Wide Safety Team

Chairperson: Director of Safety, Security & Compliance John Gulino

In accordance with Project SAVE, the District-Wide Safety Team develops and updates the District-Wide School Safety Plan, which is submitted to the Board of Education for approval annually. The team is chaired by the Director of Safety, Security & Compliance and comprised of representatives from Central Office, each school building, the School Nursing Team Leader, the Board of Education, parents/community members and students.

District Technology Committee

Chairperson: Director of Technology George Brady

The Technology Committee explores existing and emerging technologies and curricula and evaluate their relevance to the district. Its mandate is to assure that the District stays current with new and emerging technologies, measures the progress in adding new technologies into existing curriculum, and reports findings and recommendations. The committee is chaired by the Director of Technology and comprised of administrators, teachers, parents and community members.

Equity Coalition

Chairpersons: Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Joseph Lloyd, PhD and Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Rudy Arietta

The Equity Coalition is a standing advisory committee to the Superintendent that has as its primary goal the advancement of equity. Through the exchanges and ideas of members, the Coalition works towards: serving as a platform for the voice and perspectives of students, parents, staff and community members, while developing a shared understanding and commitment towards equity; coordinating district-wide efforts to advance equity while guiding decisions for: student learning and environments, access, curriculum, community outreach, culture, climate, finances, leadership and staffing; and, communicating district-wide efforts, regarding equity, to the South Orangetown students, parents, staff and community members. The committee is chaired by the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction and comprised of administrators, teachers, students and parents/community members.

Facilities Planning Committee

Chairperson: Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Natalie Espinal

The Facilities Planning Committee meets monthly to review the status of active capital projects and district work, next steps, and develops the long-range master plan. The committee makes recommendations to the Board of Education on referendums and provides expertise, insight, and varying perspectives on school construction, renovation and maintenance of facilities that are aligned to our strategic plan. Facilitated by the Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations, the Facilities Planning Committee is comprised of the Superintendent, up to two Board members, members of the administrative team, and architectural and construction professionals as needed.

Health & Safety Committee

Co-Chairpersons: Director of Facilities Jack Rallo and Director of Safety Security and Compliance John Gulino

The Health & Safety Committee is a forum for members to discuss building needs and issues and share inspection status updates. The committee is co-chaired by the directors of Facilities and Safety, Security & Compliance and comprised of representatives from the Facilities Department, each school building, the Board of Education and parents/community members.

Professional Development Committee

Chairperson:  Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Rudy Arietta

The Professional Development Committee reviews activities targeting the achievement of teaching and learning goals and recommends adjustments according to the most recent New York State Education Department Commissioner’s Regulations, the district’s Professional Development Plan and teacher’s current needs. Chaired by the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction, the council is comprised of up to two Board of Education members, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services, Director of Technology, Director of Data, Assessment and Accountability and administrator, teacher and parent representatives from each school.

Wellness Committee

Chairperson: Director of Physical Education, Health and Athletics William Pilla

Promoting a healthy environment for students and staff is the Wellness Committee’s focus. The committee assesses and monitors the district’s Wellness Policy and guidelines, and recommends proposed changes to the Board of Education. Chaired by the Director of Physical Education, Health and Athletics, the committee is comprised of up to two Board of Education members, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services, School Business Administrator, Food Service Director, TZHS School Nurse and a teacher and parent representative from each school.

School Leadership Teams (SLT)

Each school has a School Leadership Team. Discussion items are chosen by each team; recommendations are advisory and made by consensus.

Each SLT is comprised of: 1 parent per grade level + 1 parent at large; 1 teacher per grade level + 1 teacher at large; 1 administrator; 1 student (where appropriate); and, other members as needed and as appropriate. Parent SLT members must have child enrolled in the building they represent. Members can represent any grade level, in any combination. Parent and community member volunteers are nominated through PTA. Teacher committee members are selected by EASO.

Individual SLTs have the flexibility of determining the frequency and duration of meetings based on building needs. A quorum of at least 50% of the SLT membership with representation from each of the three constituent groups–administrators, teachers and parents–is required for each meeting.