South Orangetown Central School District

Students at Tappan Zee High School created a brand-new club this school year–the TZ E-Sports Club! TZHS School Psychologist Bradley Hercman is the advisor for the club and worked with students to get the club started. “The club started naturally through the Growth Through Gaming Learning Institute and students really wanted to create a community around gaming,” explained Hercman.

 TZ E-Sports Club Co-President Mark D. took the lead to gather the necessary signatures and submitted the petition to the district to create the club. “I wanted to create an E-Sports club because I wanted to create something that the school never had, and one that people would have a way to socialize with others that have their same interests. By starting this club, it can help introverts talk to others, make new friends and have fun while gaming,” said Mark.

 The TZ E-Sports Club started to host official meetings earlier this spring and last week, they hosted their first internal tournament! Club leaders including Mark and Co-President Oscar Z. organized the entire event including setting the date, advocating for a prize, advertising, recruiting, setting the rules, and officiating the tournament. “To create a community around gaming at TZ means that people who enjoy gaming can openly interact with others who share the same passion for gaming without worrying about being judged. They can even make new friends as well as learn new things and grow,” noted Oscar.

 Hercman and club leaders hope to not only have the club continue to grow, but to create an E-Sports team that can compete in regional and national championships. “We are looking forward to the fall where we can have a fully-fledged club and regular in-school tournaments and if we can create an E-Sports team that competes in championships, students can apply for scholarships,” said Hercman.

TZ E-Sports Club