“Good News from SOMS” is a brand-new initiative to promote increased, positive school-to-home messaging.
“Two things we discussed this summer when looking at our ongoing goal to improve school climate was communication and family engagement,” explains Principal Chad Corey, Ed.D. “We thought about contact points with families throughout the school year and Dr. Rodriguez saw an opportunity to innovate.”
“The idea is that, over the course of the school year, middle school parents will receive a postcard from their child’s teacher, school counselor or even an administrator,” Assistant Principal Danielle Rodriguez, Ed.D., notes. “Our aim is for every child’s family to receive a message about their strengths or something they’ve done well by the end of the school year.”
Corey and Rodriguez introduced the postcard concept to staff during yesterday’s faculty meeting. Faculty and school support team members embraced the idea with enthusiasm and started drafting their first round of messages. The first round of 65 postcards were mailed today.
“Our admin team here at SOMS does a great job trying to be inclusive, making sure each child is heard, seen and cared for,” said Character Education/Health/Physical Education teacher Chris Rastelli. “This is just another way to ensure that we reach each and every child and remind them that they are loved, valued and appreciated by our entire SOMS team.”