Advanced Spanish Language and Culture is a new course that is being offered at Tappan Zee High School. This class is designed to prepare students who are interested in taking the new Advances Placement Spanish Language and Culture course that will be offered during the 2023-2024 academic year.
This morning, students completed a personality survey where they answered questions based on their ideals and preferences. They were put into groups with classmates that answered similarly and worked together to figure out what kind of roommate they would like to have based on their personality—all while practicing their Spanish speaking and writing skills.
“This class gives students the opportunity to hone in on their literacy and communicative skills,” explained Kristy Walsh, who is teaching the new course. “The course acts as the first year of a two-year sequence that leads into AP Spanish Language and Culture, which focuses on the four modes of communication including reading, speaking, listening and writing. We will focus on each of these aspects in this class with a strong focus on speaking as well as culture, which will help prepare students for the AP Exam they will take at the end of next year.”
The course will touch upon the six units that will be covered in the AP Spanish Language and Culture curriculum such as family and communities, personal and public identities, beauty and aesthetics, science and technology, contemporary life and global challenges. Walsh will also focus on the culture in Spanish-speaking countries and comparing it to other cultures.