South Orangetown Central School District

Last Wednesday, Cottage Lane Elementary School hosted the annual fifth grade museum share with a tour of “The Museum of the Western Hemisphere” for families to visit!

Throughout the school year, the fifth grade social studies curriculum covers units including Geography, Ancient Western Civilizations, New France and Explorers, Government and Economics. “The museum is an end of year project where students get to choose a unit that they found impactful and create a project from that unit. The students can choose anything from the unit that resonated with them,” explained K-5 Instructional Literacy Coach Kristy Nadler. “The purpose of the museum is to provide a highly engaging learning experience for students while reviewing the content taught over the course of the school year.”

Students created informative posters and 3-dimensional displays that explained their topic. Students chose from a wide variety of topics including characteristics of the Aztec, Inca and Mayan civilizations, themes of geography, women’s suffrage and the U.S. Constitution. Projects were then sorted into galleries throughout the gym and some of the fifth grade classrooms. Families were invited to visit the museum on Wednesday morning and were given guided tours by our students!

Grade 5 Museum Share