Sent via ParentSquare on August 25
The District has been engaged in several extensive capital projects across our schools this summer to enhance our facilities, from a new playground installation to bathroom renovations to lockdown system upgrades at our secondary schools.
We have also faced a few unanticipated challenges. The reopening of the South Orangetown Middle School pool has been delayed until mid-September and the Tappan Zee High School main gym floor was damaged following a severe rainstorm this summer. Every effort is being made to expedite necessary work on these projects, while maintaining safety and compliance standards, to minimize the impact on our students, staff and programs.
Following is a status update:
Completed/On Track for Completion
- Installation of new clock/public address/lockdown systems at SOMS and TZHS: Completed. (New systems will be installed at William O. Schaefer Elementary School and Cottage Lane Elementary School during Capital Improvements Bond Project Phase I construction in Summer 2024.)
- Renovation of accessible bathrooms at CLE and TZHS: On track for completion.
- WOS main playground replacement: Anticipated completion on or around September 5, pending rain delays.
In Progress
- SOMS pool repairs: Repairs are near completion. The pool is expected to be open for student and public use no later than mid-September, pending Department of Health inspection. Practices for the TZ Girls Swimming & Diving Team have been temporarily relocated. SOMS physical education classes are not impacted.
- TZHS gym floor repairs: Asbestos abatement is underway and will be completed before the start of school. Flooring replacement will begin immediately following abatement. It is anticipated that the project will be completed in mid-to-late fall. High school volleyball programs are currently utilizing the SOMS gym for practices and will return to the TZHS back gym once abatement is complete. The Athletics Department is working to backload home matches in the season schedule and is seeking alternate venues for any matches that cannot be moved. Physical education classes are being planned for outdoor and alternate indoor locations for the duration of the project.
- Smart Schools Investment Plan: This district-wide project is proceeding on schedule. Construction to replace outdated cabling and enhance school connectivity at WOS, CLE and TZHS has been completed. Work at SOMS will be completed during second shift work this fall.
- Capital Improvements Bond Project: The New York State Education Department has approved Phase I (WOS/CLE) construction for the Capital Improvements Bond Project. Bidding will open this fall, with work anticipated to begin in Spring 2024 during the second shift (after school hours). Phase II (TZHS) will be submitted for NYSED review this fall.
- Camera Upgrades: The upgrades and additions to security cameras funded in the voter-approved 2023-24 school budget will start this fall, as planned.
Additional updates will be communicated as work progresses this fall.