South Orangetown Central School District

WOS Stage Left performance of Aladdin

Over the last few months, second graders at William O. Schaefer Elementary School have been working with Stage Left Children’s Theater Teaching Artist Andrea Seigel and leading up to the spring recess, each class hosted productions of “Aladdin” for their families to enjoy!

As part of the district’s theater enrichment program, all second graders have been working with Seigel since the beginning of the school year alongside WOS Music teacher Beth Fox, who has been helping students learn the music and lyrics. Before Jacqueline Sommers and Kathryn Cuccia’s classes took the stage, Seigel visited each classroom to help students warm up their bodies and voices. Prior to the performance, she explained to parents what she had been working on with each student. “They have been learning how to work in teams, brainstorm ideas, speak clearly, act through their body language and the importance of using facial expressions when saying their lines. These skills will translate into their everyday lives and are not just for actors. Every student is an integral member of the play,” said Seigel. WOS Principal Sheila Beglin noted, “We have found actors and actresses in our classrooms that we wouldn’t have known without her!”

Second graders will have another opportunity to work with Stage Left Children’s Theater in fourth grade at Cottage Lane Elementary School as part of their historical fiction reading and writing unit and will perform a play inspired by the American Revolution.