South Orangetown Central School District

The South Orangetown Central School District submitted its 2020 School Reopening Plan to the New York State Education Department (NYSED) today.

The plan is aligned with NYSED and New York State Department of Health guidelines (linked under Resources), which were released in mid-July and represents the contributions of dozens of administrators, faculty, staff members, parents and students who participated in our District Reopening Task Force and subcommittees over the past seven weeks. It also reflects lessons learned and insights developed through our spring distance learning experience and survey results, which led us to successfully pilot test different tools, strategies and practices during Virtual Summer STEAM Camp and engage teachers in professional development and curriculum work to prepare for fall.

View the District’s Reopening Plan: HTML | Google Doc
View the Reopening Plan At-A-Glance overview.
View Reopening FAQ #1.

We anticipate approval from NYSED and a definitive announcement from the governor regarding the reopening of schools by August 7. In the meantime, our administrative team is working with teachers and staff to move forward with operationalizing the reopening plan at the individual department and school levels. A survey will be sent to South Orangetown families on August 6 regarding their plans for the fall; the results of the survey will also help to inform logistical planning.

A final version of the reopening plan will be posted at by August 14, with more detailed resources to follow. Please keep in mind that our plan is subject to change according to evolving NYSED guidance; local, state and federal guidelines; and regional health indicators.