District Notices
A Regular Meeting of the Board of Education will convene on Tuesday, February 11 at 6:30PM, at which time it is anticipated the Board of Education will move immediately into Executive Session to discuss matters pertaining to pending litigation and the employment history of a particular individual. The public meeting will reconvene at approximately 7:30PM in the South Orangetown Middle School Library, 160 Van Wyck Road, Blauvelt, NY.
- Livestream: Board of Education meetings are broadcasted via view-only livestream at SOCSD BOE YouTube channel. Members of the public must attend meetings in person to participate in public commentary. Only regular meetings, in which business is conducted, are live streamed; Board workshops will not be live streamed. Board workshops are open to the public, but there is no public commentary. Community members may also email questions or comments to the Board at any time at feedback@socsd.org.
- Policy Review: The Board of Education reviews school district policies on an ongoing basis. View the Policies Under Review webpage for more information.
Other Required Notices
Parents: Fight Flu at Home and School
Each year, to comply with New York State Public Health Law (PHL) § 613, licensed and registered day care programs, nursery schools, pre-K, kindergarten, school-age childcare programs, and public and non-public schools are required to post information about influenza (flu) and the benefits of flu vaccination at the start of flu season in early fall. The flu vaccine is the best way to prevent flu. It is recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older every year. Getting vaccinated can prevent flu-related hospitalizations and deaths in children. The vaccine can also reduce flu illnesses, doctor’s visits, and missed work and school days. View the 2024 Fight Flu at Home Flyers for Parents here: English | Spanish. For more information and to view the messages in additional languages, visit the New York State Department of Health webpage here.
District & Community Events
Scroll down to view Events (one-time activities) and Programs. Click here for e-Backpack submission guidelines.
Novel Ideas: Young Adult Book Club
Thursday, January 30, 6:00PM
Tappan Library
Ages 13-17: Do you love to read? Join us for our *new* YA book club! We’ll provide a casual environment where you can connect with other readers and chat about books over pizza, puzzles and coloring pages. Each meeting will have a theme, but book choice is open to you. In January, come ready to discuss your mystery or thriller book of choice (even if you haven’t finished it!). Register at https://southorangetownlibraries.librarycalendar.com/event/novel-ideas-ya-book-club-28961. Questions? Call (845) 359-3877 or email jhotaling@tappanlibrary.org.
Social Skills & Beyond Groups
The Rockland Jewish Family Service offers several age-grouped sessions for youth and young adults who struggle with peer relationships, impulse control, fitting in with others, coping with emotions and related difficulties. For information, contact Michele Koenig at (845) 354-2121 ext. 141 or mkoenig@rjfs.org.
Preschool Storytime
Wednesdays, 11:00AM
Ages 3-5: Shake your sillies out with stories, songs, parachute play, and more. Attend in person or via Zoom. Register at tappanlibrary.org.
Baby/Toddler Storytime
Thursdays, 11:00AM
Infants to 2 yrs: Have fun with your little one with music, puppets, scarves, and a short book. Attend in person or via Zoom. Register at tappanlibrary.org.
Story Time with Miss Kimberly
Thursdays, 10:30-11:15AM or 1:00-1:45PM
Ages 3-6: Join Miss Kimberly every week for a story and a craft. Register at orangeburglibrary.org.
The Rockland YMCA is registering South Orangetown students in grades K-5 for its 2024-25 before and after school childcare programs. For more information or to register, visit the Rockland YMCA website.