School Support Teams
Each South Orangetown school has a dedicated School Support Team comprised of professionals who deliver a variety of services which include the academic and social-emotional development of students in the context of college and career readiness, mental health and substance use intervention, and connecting families with key community resources to meet their needs.
School Counseling
School counselors focus on the academic and social-emotional development of students in the context of college and career readiness. Read more on the School Counseling webpage.
School Social Work and Prevention Counseling
Social workers work with all families the district who need mental health counseling and/or access to community supports for a variety of needs, including food and medical care. One social worker serves all elementary (K-5) students; the other provides social worker services to all secondary (6-12) students.
School prevention counselors, who are also credentialed social workers, serve the entire student body of their assigned building and focus on mental health and substance use prevention and collaborate with school counselors, social workers and health teachers on issues such as chronic absenteeism. School prevention counselors serve in our secondary buildings only (7-12).
School Psychology
School psychologists provide direct mental health support and interventions to help students to successfully access their education and consult with building administrators, staff and Counseling Department colleagues to enhance support strategies. They provide mandated counseling for students with disabilities, as well as facilitate groups to support students in various areas related to social skills and executive function. They are the primary chairs for the Committee on Special Education within their buildings. In addition, school psychologists also chair Child Study Teams at their respective schools, which are a forum for administrators, case managers, nurses, Pupil Personnel Services and Response to Intervention staff meet to discuss, plan interventions, and collaborate on supporting students who are struggling with social-emotional, behavioral, home and/or academic issues.
New York State General Education and Diploma Requirements
New York State Social Emotional Learning Benchmarks
New York State Mental Health Education Literacy In Schools Comprehensive Guide
New York State School Counseling Association: Understanding Revised NYSED Guidelines for Comprehensive School Counseling/Guidance Programs
School Counselor and Behavior Specialist
Tennille Marino | (845) 680-1354
School Psychologists
Lisa Murphy| (845) 680-1368
Sheyna Ehrenreich| (845) 680-1324
Elementary School Counselor
Stephanie Chahales | (845) 680-1598
School Psychologists
Jenny Graziano| (845) 680-1554
Sean Jones | (845) 680-1545
School Counselors
Philip Farrugia | (845) 680-1107
Patricia Iannucci | (845) 680-1111
Siobhan Maiorano | (845) 680-1109
School Psychologists
Courtney Malka | (845) 680-1112
Colleen Geyer | (845) 680-1023
School Prevention Counselor
Bobbie-Angela Wong | (845) 680-1147
School Social Worker
Jessica Inglis | (845) 680-1028
School Counselors
Randy Altman | (845) 680-1621
Kelly Keane | (845) 680-1615
Kathryn Marks | (845) 680-1620
Jaime Holzer | (845) 680-1616
Glenda Rivera | (845) 680-1611
School Psychologists
Katelin Burns | (845) 680-1613
Bradley Hercman | (845) 680-1610
School Prevention Counselor
Annemarie Scott | (845) 680-1671
School Social Worker
Jessenia Cursio | (845) 680-1775