Home Tutoring
Home tutoring is provided to a student on a temporary basis by the South Orangetown Central School District when such student is unable to attend school because of medical or disciplinary issues. If you feel that your child is eligible, please contact their school counselor directly.
Compulsory education age students who are suspended from school will be provided by the District with alternative instruction, which in most cases will be home tutoring.
Students who are unable to attend classes because of illness or injury will be provided home tutoring upon receipt of a signed statement from a physician indicating the nature of the student’s illness or injury and the anticipated absence from school. An anticipated return to school date is also requested. This signed statement should be provided to a school counselor to facilitate the tutoring prior to the anticipated absence or as soon as possible during the period of absence. The South Orangetown Central School District will provide an appropriately certified teacher for tutoring within a reasonable time frame.
An adult must always be present in the home or sessions may be held in a public location, such as a public library or public school building.
Tutoring is facilitated in coordination with the South Orangetown Central School District calendar.Ā